Monday, 3 December 2012

Writing, how it developed with technology through time …

This would be about how people very long time ago, started writing on rocks of the caves, until it got now where using a microphone you could speak the software would write for you … “sounds a bit lazy I guess” …

Thousands of years ago “as scientists say”, the old man learned writing in weird symbols “as supposed to be a language they understood”, but for sure at that time, it wasn’t just a language because many people say they were smart “to know we might not understand after ages” and it was rather some drawings to show how life was … but that is still another odd option to think about …
Moving on with history, where people discovered tree leaf and it would be used to be written on it … which was then developed into the proper form we now know as “paper” … at that time that was a revolution, because people started to learn with these things … using paper, but also at that time … the human minds started thinking of making some business with this as well …

The invention or the manufacturing of “Paper” was great, but not in nature way … where millions of trees were cut at that time and most would go to waste not knowing the effect that we “the new generation” face with nature decreasing, and forest business men still trying to make more profit from free jungles and so on …
Writing on paper at first was with hand, until after a while, where technology at that time developed and invented the writing machine “which was a waste of paper of course”, because each mistake would mean throwing more paper to the “Bin”, but at that time it was a revolution as it meant writing more quicker and with “Good font, depending the price you paid for your machine” …
Then, the big revolution came up, invention of the digital device known as Computers … “well, at least it saved some papers from those older typewriters” …

With the development of the computer, software began coming up, and got into personal use more than official use, it got much cheaper so more people could own it … and writing got even better, because there were much less mistakes that used to cost a lot of papers “or trees” …
After that, with technology of the 21st century, where it took a new turn I would say … new things began to turn up to writing … like voice commands … where you’d have a software you’d speak to and it would write whatever you want on a virtual paper on your “Personal Computer”, plus it had more than one accent “for those who need it” …

So, I guess Technology has covered most aspects in our life, even how we actually express ourselves by writing with such software … plus having these software on smartphones as well, which meant you can actually write a book a publish it without the need of a “PC” …
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See you in my next post …

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