The Sunday Times, The Washington Post … these names
usually ring a lot of bills … what about twitter … well it sure have more
readers than the these newspapers …
So, how did it actually move from collection the
newspaper from your home door in the morning with the Coffee until getting
tweets on your smartphone before going to the Bathroom in the morning … well …
simple I guess, it all started with one step that followed the other and so on
and so forth.
Basically, newspapers were used for centuries … but
generally speaking, twitter got famous in less than 5 years … you would say “hm,
interesting, how did that happen” … it happened when a lot of people reached
the point we call these days “The Era of Speed” … reaching that point made “some
people” even impatient to get news or wait for the clock to ding to watch the
news on TV.
So, it all started with
I.N.T.E.R.N.E.T “as in inter the web or net”, some decades ago, where it was
only available to so little people and government agencies … then after some
time it did eventually come out to public “but not all countries”, after that “Google”
started which was a “wow” and still is for random people with random things to
do … or who look for quick things … |
After “Google”, which more than 1
billion people “that’s one sixth of the world” use, other famous sites began
showing and it became like “Yahoo”, “Bing” from search sites …
The other point, which is
supposed to be the topic, is the Social sites that got so famous in “no time”
compared to some famous search sites that didn't get that famous in the same
time frame …
Like "Facebook" for example, that
got so famous although it started from “Geeks dorms” in one of “High class
universities… people call them”, you would probably know the story if you watch
the movie “The Social Network”, that showed part of its truth and how it began
and so on …
"Twitter" kind of started the same
but in a more “Geeky environment”, it started as a brainstorming sessions for
daylong in another “High Class American University”, and of course then the
idea of the code came from someone and so on …
So, they really got so famous
because they’re different, they’re something new, exciting “as some people said”,
offered something "Google" didn't … like sharing your life on the Internet and so
on …
So now you wonder why the number
of people reading "twitter" is definitely more than the number of people who read
newspapers “not online newspapers of course … haha” …and "Facebook" as well that had the most people sharing their lives on it “as in from
when they wake up … until they sleep … each moment …haha” …
Yep … it’s all Electronics … it
did change us to speedy people always trying the get the 1st news or
gossip “as some people would define it” …
Thanks for checking this out … subscribe
and share or comment if you want to have a discussion …
See you on my next post
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