Thursday, 6 December 2012

Started my new Blog About Technology

Hey there ... in case you didn't notice .. I have started a new blog ...

This would still be an active one, as it would always be about the general idea of hobbies ..

So i won't give it up basically ...

with that new blog ... I'll be having some video reviews of Technology and upon request, I'd be happy to answer any questions regarding anything you see in my upcoming videos on  My YouTube Channel

The Videos would be in English and Arabic ... as i was encouraged to have both in my reviews whether on the blog or the on the videos ..

So my new blog would be in this link: The New Blog

and hope to see my readers there as well ... and I hope i can benefit some of you about things I would talk about ...

Thank you ... and see you in my posts "here And There" ...

Monday, 3 December 2012

Writing, how it developed with technology through time …

This would be about how people very long time ago, started writing on rocks of the caves, until it got now where using a microphone you could speak the software would write for you … “sounds a bit lazy I guess” …

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Jewel of the Desert, Tourism in the Middle East …

It’s been a while since I started, and I haven’t talked about the area most known the deserted places … but you know what … for history and those who love the stars … the Jewel of the Desert is the best place …

Friday, 30 November 2012

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Asia, the Beauty of the Land plus the friendliness of the People

As I've talked about the other two continents before, this time is Asia’s time I guess … and the topic is exactly what it says on the header …

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Photography … the best memories …!

Once photos and camera were invented, the world with its entire people changed their views of looking at things … nature, ourselves and a lot of other things …

Cameras history begins in very old ages with some ways to watch the eclipse in the old history “BC times” … then progressed until it got to the invention of the big flash permanent photo cameras “where the photo didn’t stay for long … haha” …

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Driving, The skill, Patience or?

Yeah, I guess girls would find this interesting, and guys will probably laugh at some point here …
This topic would be on the difference in driving between regions … or the difference between men and women driving …

Monday, 26 November 2012

Latin, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina … difference in many ways …

As before we got into more details about Europe, this will be more in depth with Latin people more than the continents itself …

Latin people are known for their interesting culture, they openness to everyone, they probably love and respect everyone “except where you would express racism”, which the thing they hate … but don’t we all hate that …!

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Water … how useful and where is it nowadays …

It does seem like a nature subject this is … but it will probably be more about how people are defining water as the “new business” in some areas …

Some people have a saying that states “you won’t feel the real need of something until lose it” … that what would happen to some countries in some unseen future maybe …

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Europe in more details, The reasons behind the love of everyone to it

Yeah, I guess some people may wonder now why I would I write about Europe more now that I have written that Africa and Asia and Latin America may be more wonderful … well simply because Europe is quite in the middle between those continents which is an advantage for the small continent …

Friday, 23 November 2012

Electronics; from newspapers to twitter …

The Sunday Times, The Washington Post … these names usually ring a lot of bills … what about twitter … well it sure have more readers than the these newspapers …

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Nature, interesting and useful … but ?

As we know, nature is the best thing people think about … but unfortunately we don’t find many who know the real benefit of nature …

A lot of people love beaches, forests “although they’re getting few”, being around a natural place instead of being around a lot of buildings and not so many “trees” around …

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Latin America, The Best ? Or ?

I’m wondering what made a lot of Middle Eastern people move to Latin America to live there … as they say … it did fulfill their needs more than their countries did … interesting I would say …

Android, for Geeks or Everyone?

Well, as I write better in this topic, Android is one of the top topics these days to talk about according to what people want to read … So I’d try to make it clear for everyone that Android isn’t only for Geeks … !

Starting with a bit of history “not old”, Android started 4 years ago with some Linux developers in Google, so it was and still being programmed mainly by Java with some “C and C++” …

Monday, 19 November 2012

Europe or Africa … The best for tourism?

Last time I've talked about Europe and Asia, I've even forgotten about my own continent …
In fact, Europe has taken all of the fame for itself although it’s one the smaller continents with limited things to do compared to Asia “as I mentioned before” and Africa “which is the topic today …

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Food, local or international …

Food, the meals we have every day, whether it was local or international …
Sounds obvious that I would talk and compare different cuisines of the world and probably express some views on it …
So I guess, different regions of the world have different tastes, special ingredients or the use of some “weird” or interesting objects let me call it …
With that, the food changed from the East to the oriental places, to the far west …

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Europe or Asia, The best of both …

Yeah, Travelling, the best someone can do … now this is going to be about places in these two continents … Europe and Asia ...

Friday, 16 November 2012

Smartphones ... My own experience

I guess I write better about technology than travelling, or maybe because I’m an Engineer and I’m more into hardware and these kinds of things …

So, today my thoughts are about smartphones, as today I had an interesting chat with what appears to be the 1st person I know now that has an interest in what’s inside smartphones than being interested in only their looks and outer specification.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Defining the word “travelling” …

Today I shall be talking about one of my favorite hobbies, which is travelling.

I wonder how people define the word “travelling”, as for me I’d say; travelling is one of the best ways to explore life in other places around the planet, get to know new people and how different their cultures are from ours.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Technology and its effect our lives …

Some of my friends were asking me to talk more about technology as it seemed to be one of the topics I can be good with … not sure if that was a compliment or an encouragement.

Then, that reminded me to make this topic, about if we can actually live without technology these days …

What do we actually do with expensive Technology?

Well … nowadays technology is getting cheaper people say, well it is getting cheaper I agree, just because there are new technologies companies are busy with to maintain their high prices.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

A trip I would never forget …

In 2010, I went to 3 European countries for a visit, but I really loved one of them for the nature and quietness it had around its cities.

Experience with Sony …

Exactly, I’m going to start to talk about Electronics already.

My experience with Sony electronics goes as far as about 14 years ago where Sony Vaio laptop with Windows 98 was kind of great portable with good graphics “I think it was 16 MB that time” …

My life with my hobbies

Many people say, including my friends say I have a lot of hobbies, yet I think if I have time for all.

Well most of my hobbies are general life things that we use or see every day, like being around nature, love to the technology of today, or trying to know more about different cultures and people.

One of my favorite is travelling I would say, so in this blog I will be talking about my experience in all that, that is … Electronics … Travelling … Nature … and my experience will all those …

I would try to write more often as I don’t have much to do these days really apart from expressing myself and see if there are people around the world who would have the same interests or had similar experiences as that would be good.

Well … getting into my hobbies in details … I love electronics because I am an electronics engineer, so I love my major and I would provide my personal experience on some technologies we use every day, Nature because I was raised up in a farm house, so it was all nature around me with no noise.

I love travelling because I have the passion to explore, with that comes the culture part as with travelling someone wouldn't just take picture “lol”, but also know more about the place they’re visiting and that’s what I do, as I've been to quite a bit “mostly Europe and middle East”, and I would post my personal experience on those to anyone who would be interested in visiting interesting places.

People who know me here would be a bit surprised as they think I’m not that talkative, but I really am when it comes to think I like, will tell you more later on about some stories …

 As for now … that’s my 1st post … and I hope I will be adding more soon …